Thursday, July 15, 2010

How to use the Nintendo DSi Shop

•At the DSi Menu, Tap DSi Shop.

•Step 2
Wait for it to connect to the internet.

•Step 3
Click on "Start Shopping"

•Step 4
Click on "Add Nintendo DSi Points".

•Step 5
If you have a Wii/DSi points card, Touch Redeem Nintendo Points Card.

•Step 6
Enter the code found on the card.

•Step 7
If you don't have a Points Card, but have a Credit Card, Click "Buy
Nintendo DSi Points with a Credit Card" and enter all the information.

•Step 8
If you do not want to buy more points click "Back"

•Step 9
Now click on "Shopping Guide".

•Step 10
It will tell you information about the DSi Shop.

•Step 11
Push Back.

•Step 12
Now Click "Settings"

•Step 13
Click on "Account Activity".

•Step 14
It tells you everything you bought and spent on the DSi Shop.

•Step 15
Click back.

•Step 16
Now click on "DSiWare"

•Step 17
This is where you buy games. Click on a section. Next is a list of all
the games.

•Step 18

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