R4DS, R4i, R4 SDHC, Acekard 2i, CycloDS, DSTTi, M3DS, Supercard DS
1Buy an AceKard2, to date the most popular Flash cart for the Nintendo DS. Check availability on The Acekard2 should have a microSD card with SD card adapter.
2Place your microSD card into the SD card adapter. Put the SD card into an open SD card reader on the computer. Go to Computer or My Computer icon, depending on the operation system, and locate the SD card device, which should be available to open up like any other folder on the computer. Double-click on the SD card icon to open it. Right-click the empty space to get the option to Create New Folder. Create a new folder called lmp-ng to the root of the card.
3Open an Internet browser and go to (see Resources). Download a file called Click on this link to save it. Save the file to the desktop of the computer.
4Open the zip file and find a Skins folder. Find the SD card folder in another window and find the lmp-ng folder created in Step 2. Double-click this folder and add the downloaded Skins folder to the lmp-ng folder by either Copy & Paste or dragging and dropping with the mouse.
5Go back to the root menu of your SD card folder and find a folder on the microSD card called Apps. Double-click the Apps folder so that it is open and this time locate the lmp-ng-2-alpha.nds file in the zip file downloaded earlier. Copy and paste or drag and drop this file into the Apps folder on the SD card.
6Once all files have copied, remove the SD card from the computer. Take the microSD card out of its adapter and slide it into the Acekard2 cart. Insert the Acekard2 cart into Slot 1 of the Nintendo DS like any other DS game. Turn on the DS and use the touch screen to go to the Acekard2 game. The Acekard2's main menu will now be displayed on the bottom screen; go to the Apps folder by touching it with the stylus. Run the lmp-ng-2-alpha.nds from the Apps folder and the Virtual iPod with iPod skins included appears. If there are any MP3s on the microSD card, select them and play them.
7To load music, take the microSD card and put it into the SD adapter and place it into the SD reader on the computer. Create a New Folder on the root menu of the SD card; name it Music. Copy and paste MP3s from the computer onto the microSD. The lmp-ng virtual iPod will read them and play it through the Nintendo DS built-in speakers.
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