Saturday, July 17, 2010

Troubleshoot the Screen on a Nintendo DS

Step 1
Make sure you are touching the right screen. Only the bottom screen works with the stylus. The top screen is not a touch screen.

Step 2
Recalibrate the screen. Return to the DS Menu Screen and use the control pad to select the "Settings panel." Press A. Select the right-most icon (it is yellow and has a crosshair) and press A. Now, using the stylus, touch each red square as it appears. Be precise. After this test is complete, test the sensitivity. Tap confirm, then quit and then yes. The system will shut down and save the settings.

Step 3
Look for foreign matter on the screen. Hold the screen flat at eye level. Look all around the edges of the screen for any crumbs or dirt that may be wedged into the screen. If you see anything, clean the screen.

Step 4
Clean the screen. Get a brand new, medium-bristled toothbrush. Now, press down very gently with your thumb on the side of the screen to be cleaned. This should create a tiny gap. Use the toothbrush to carefully dislodge any foreign material from the gap. Repeat for each edge.

Step 5
Turn off the Nintendo DS and examine the screen. If you see lines or blotches of color on the screen while playing, see if they are still there when the system is off. These are telltale signs of broken crystals and physical damage, which means you'll have to replace your system.

Step 6
Replace the screen. The top screen can be replaced using the official screen replacement kit from Nintendo. This will take care of any scratches. Get it at

Step 7
Turn off the alarm. If there are running numbers in the corner of the screen and the backlight won't turn on, it's becasue the alarm is set. Go to the DS Menu Screen and tap the settings panel. Next, tap the "Calendar and Date" panel. Then tap the alarm clock icon. Tap "Set Alarm" to turn it off or on.

Step 8
Turn on the backlight. The backlight can be turned on and off from the settings panel.

Step 9
Adjust the brightness. From the DS Menu Screen, tap the sun icon to adjust the brightness level.
R4DS, R4i, R4 SDHC, Acekard 2i, CycloDS, DSTTi, M3DS, Supercard DS

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