Step 1
Figure out your IP address. Click on your computer's Start button. In the search box, type: cmd
At the C:\ prompt, type: ipconfig.
This will bring up computer information, including the IP address.
Step 2
Download SmallFTP. This is a basic FTP program that you will need to transfer files between your computer and DS. Once it is downloaded, extract all the components and run the program. It doesn't require installation.
Step 3
Manage your SmallFTP settings. Go to the Settings menu and select General. This will open a small window of General Settings. Change the number next to FTP port to 8080. Return to the Settings menu and choose Advanced. Put a check in the box next to Use Local IP. Return to the Settings menu and click Users. Click Add. Enter a login and password for the system. Click the Add button next to Directories, and on the Directory Properties window that appears, type: c:\temp in the Physical Path box. Click Add next to permissions and change it to LRW. Click OK. Press the Save Settings button, then click Play. You should get a message that says "FTP Server is Running."
Step 4
Download NDS Backup Tool and extract it. Open the file with the .ini extension that is in the Backup Tool folder in Notepad. Change the ServerIP to the IP address of your computer, ServerPort to 8080 and the FTPUser and FTPPassword to the login and password you entered in the SmallFTP system. Save changes. Copy both the .nds file and the changed .ini file extracted from NDS Backup Tool to your flash cart.
Step 5
Turn on your DS. Insert your flash cart and run the Backup Tool. When you run the Backup tool, it will connect automatically to the FTP server. You will receive onscreen instructions to switch the flash cart with the game that you want to backup. Take the cart out, put the game in and press the A button. Hit the R button twice, the B button once and the A button again. The game will begin to back-up to your computer. For smaller games, this will take minutes. For games storing 64MB or more, it will take up to an hour. Store the game in a folder on your hard drive where you can find it should your game cartridge fail.
Acekard2i $14.99
R4 $7.89, R4i $12, Cyclo ds $42
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